Previewing and Printing Reports

The report preview toolbar enables you to view and print the current report. The forward and back arrow icons allow you to sequentially move through the pages of the report in preview mode. The first and last arrow icons enable you to immediately jump to the first or last page of the current report in preview mode. The counter will indicate the number of the currently displayed report page. If you decide you wish to print the report, click the Print Report icon. You will be able to see which printer the report will be sent to and you can indicate the pages you wish to print. If you want to select a different printer, select Print Setup. Under Print Setup you have two choices, Printer Options and Printer Preferred:




Depending upon your screen’s resolution, the report may or may not be legible when it is first displayed in the preview mode. You can zoom in or out on the current report by selecting a new zoom factor from the dropdown list of percentages. The report will always appear at 100% initially, however, it may be necessary to set the zoom factor to 150% or higher to actually read the report in preview mode. Note that the zoom factor has no effect on the final print of the report, only on the way in which it is displayed in preview mode. Also note that depending upon your resolution and system fonts, some labels or values may appear truncated in preview mode at higher zoom factors. However, the report should be fine when printed – this is only a display issue with some screen resolutions.


If you need to locate a specific record within the report, on the preview toolbar, click on the Search Text icon (pictured with the binoculars). Type the name or value for which you are searching in the search text box and click on the Find Next button. Avitar Tax Collect will search the report for the string entered in the text box. Any matches will be highlighted with a red rectangle in the preview window. To keep searching, just continue pressing the Find Next button. If the text is not found, you will receive a message indicating no results were found.


Once you have previewed or printed a report, you can close the report preview window by clicking on the standard close button (pictured with an “X”) in the control box in the upper right corner of the report form.